
Three Out of Four

A couple of disclaimers.

  • There are many perfectly nice and reasonable Tesla drivers.
  • (Theoretically, some BMW drivers might be nice.)
  • Hats aren’t only for villains. As you can see, the “Normal people” panel features many hats.
  • Posing Bud in the “Groucho Marx” disguise is not intended to be insulting to Groucho, or to Jews. Bud wishes he was as awesome as Groucho Marx. Well, probably not actually.

At any rate, transportation professionals and studies have all concluded that a county-wide North/South light rail route is technically feasible and socially desirable. At present it’s unfunded, but there’s no reason to outlaw it as the Greenway Measure proposes.

Public transit has a long history of being opposed on a variety of frivolous grounds, as typified above.